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Our one to one yoga therapy sessions offer a variety of programmes to start you on your own wellness journey. 

For more information please get in touch. 

Women Practicing Yoga


One to one yoga sessions are a more hands on approach and works to your specific needs. Whether it's starting with yoga basics, developing advanced techniques or to ease ailments such as high blood pressure, menopause symptoms, or back/neck pain.



Traditional Thai Yoga Massage is an ancient healing art, handed down from teacher to pupil. It can aid many ailments and general or specific aches and pains.

Thai Yoga Massage (TYM) uses an energy line system—the Ten Sen—through which the body's natural life force flows. Blockages in this life force cause aches, pains and disease.

The therapist uses a hands on approach to apply pressure to important points on the energy lines, together with gentle stretching and applied Hatha Yoga. This releases blocked energy and frees the body's healing potential, restoring balance and harmony.


EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It's also referred to as tapping or psychological acupressure. The technique helps to release these emotions to relieve pain and aid with psychological wellness.



Indian head massage is a well known holistic and relaxation treatment. Utilising pressure points on the head, neck and shoulders. Not only is it good for aches, pains and tension held in these areas, it also helps reduce headaches, improve physical well-being, along with mental and emotional wellness too.




I started yoga therapy with an open mind as I wasn’t in a good place after losing my Mother after a long illness. I had started smoking again after many years of quitting as a means of coping which compounded my low mood and motivation: I felt stuck. 

Straight after our first  meeting I noticed a shift  in my thinking; I felt much lighter in myself, my general motivation improved and I felt confident I would be able to quit smoking and set a date. I was given advice on how to start each day with mindfulness and which types of foods would benefit me the most as I have an autoimmune condition which can be quite debilitating if not managed well. 

The yoga therapy itself was wonderful. I could feel the tension and negativity leaving my body with each breath and posture. It was amazing and not like anything I’d done before - I felt positive and quite transformed that all will be well. It taught me to make more time for myself, slow down and really see understand benefit of yoga.

As I started to feel more positive I managed to stop smoking relatively easily  and have also began to declutter the house which I believe is helping me with the loss of my Mother as a way of moving forward with my grief. 

Yoga therapy helped me to become unstuck and move forward in many ways. I genuinely feel much better in myself and I’m long forward to the future. 

I feel truly blessed to have had this experience which came along at the right time for me and I can’t thank Karen enough.

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